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16 Common Types of Alcohol ABV, Proof, Ingredients & Info

Fortified wine is a type of alcohol that adds a distilled spirit (usually brandy) to a wine to stabilize it. Aromatized wine is a type of fortified wine that has added natural flavors like fruits, herbs and other botanicals. Some fortified wines are very sweet and also known as dessert wines. Distilled alcohol is fermented […]

5 Types of Alcoholics Characteristics of Each Alcoholic Type

Periodic inebriety often takes the form of temporary insanity, in which the drinker’s behavior is characterized by mania, violence, or impulsive criminal behavior. It would seem logical to begin a discussion 5 types of alcoholics of the history of typology with E.M. Jellinek’s classic work on the different “species” of alcoholism (1960a, b), which is […]
